Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gozoto '08

Positions of political power have remained for a long time either the work of a single man or the work of a massive group. It is about time we decided that there are more things we can understand about group human interaction and speed of decision making. It is never ideal for a single human being to have any executive power. Single trackedness will lead any group straight to the pits. A group of diverse humans of a size of no more than 7, preferably in the 3-5 range is much more optimal. This particular arrangement allows for quick group decisions that can be drawn back by them being able to classify decisions such that a certain number of agreements is needed. I team of people in a political office will better serve the people's diversity. The world is not black and white. The grays of the world are nearly endless. There should never be the decisions of one man and his allies directing global power. The world's conscience, especially thinking of its growth in many parts of the world, should be better heard. And because people are so different, their ideas of what is good for us and bad for us are very different. But we can have it both ways. By having group decisions we come to the realization that there are people of this world that are different from us, but they are not better or worse. The only way we can fit all the different opinions of the world into a nice organization that allows for protection and safety and taxation with representation is to allow never just one person and his agenda to be the agenda. The Government is an institution in constant change. It allows for large funds from the people to benefit the people as a whole. We are one people. We all share the same ancestry back to the first groups of Homo sapiens 200,000 years ago. The image of those first humans huddling together for warmth, working together for food, and playing together when they relax should be better ingrained into the collective conscience of humanity. We are not people of different races, nationalities, and creeds. Those are words that have developed through the growth of our language and became perverted by anger and greed. We have made great strides in somewhat recent history. The world has worked together to end slavery. We have begun to discuss action that needs to be taken to help many third world countries. Action has even been taken on many levels in all of our initial motherland those millennia ago, Africa. As humanity spread across the earth, we evolved and changed and organized. People entered diverse environments and used their brains, never before encountered by Earth, to tackle all the problems they encountered. Every culture has an epic story to tell about their battles with the natural world, when lands of far off places were still frontiers. So now we must look at where we find ourselves today. The human brain has managed to not just harness the power of nature, but more recently, has managed to move its computational power outside of itself with the conception of the computer. We now watch technology grow at a much quicker rate than our own evolution. This has lead to problems with technology mixing with nature. We continue to take energy straight from the earth, a planet that has spent its entire existence changing at its own pace, the pace of nature, the pace of our own development.

Technology has lead us to a time when we can know much much more than we can implement quickly. We know solutions to the problems of global warming, but have not found time to implement them. We know ways of obtaining energy and transporting ourselves around quickly, but have not found time to implement them. We know ways to share all human knowledge instantly across the globe, but the institutions that be have censored and altered, and we have not found time to fix those problems. These problems have led many people to reject technology. Rejecting technology at this point means catastrophic failure of the human race. The only way we have figured out how to adapt to our fast growing population is fast growing technology. The hope we have left is that just like many processes in nature. The detrimental effects of technology and humanity on the planet are oscillatory. If we let technology advance long enough, we will find an implementation of things that allows for mutual advantage between humanity and the planet.

It is for these reasons that I am announcing my intentions to run for cooperative president of the United States of America. If elected, I will work hard to balance my ideas with those of the other 2 to 6 cooperative presidents.

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It is my plan to work with the other presidents as a team. Together we can show respect for each other's ideals and find solutions that benefit the most people possible. There is hope for a brighter future. There is hope for novel ways of being that are better than the entrenched ways that exist today. As Copresident I will balance my plans with those around me, realizing that humanity is hugely diverse so my knowledge and opinions are no better or worse than those of the other Copresidents or those of any other human. The best idea is always just mutual respect for every set of ideas.

God Bless America
Vote Gozoto '08

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